Why Organic?
Organic food is produced using natural and traditional farming methods unlike Non Organic food which is produced using Conventional farming methods that involves usage of harmful pesticides, artificial fertilizers and other chemicals. Food produced organically is always much healthier and safer for us. Organic farming involves sustainable agricultural practices which is good for the environment. It is the best method of farming which is sustainable for the farmer in the long run.
Produced using natural farming methods without the use of fertilizers; thus retaining their naturally high nutritional content
Free from Pesticides, Artificial fertilizers and chemicals. In Organic farming, Natural fertilizers like compost, plant wastes and manure are used. No usage of genetically modified seeds.
Organic food is tastier than non-organic because they do not contain any artificial preservatives or chemicals
Pesticides that are used in conventional farming pollute water bodies and soil & thus very harmful to the nature